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In our previous blog, we attempted to bring to you a clear understanding of instincts and intuition. In this blog, we seek to take you further along the journey and shed some light on the types of intuition that you can work with.

Going beyond the intellect

 You can look at intuitive powers as a cosmic compass; it directs you in a direction. The truth is every human being is born with the power of intuition. We all have the inner compass, which subtly informs our decisions and actions. Intuitive powers are synonymous with psychic powers, which reside in every conscious human being.

Sadly, not everyone is open to their intuition. The door to the divine intervention of intuition is closed and there can be various reasons for the same. One of the major factors that cause people to dismiss their intuition is their unwavering dependence on their intellect. People, whether they are aware of it or not, often leverage their analytical and logical reasoning to make important life decisions.

But, in reality, tapping into your intuition requires you to go beyond the mind’s intellect or buddhi. We humans are hard-wired to rely on the constant barrage of information that enters our consciousness through our five senses. Honestly, we are not conscious of all these information most of the time. It enters through our senses and gets buried somewhere deep down in our unconscious mind.  

Intuition is a deeply unconscious process. You don’t really know how you know something. You just know it. There’s no reasoning or logic to explain it. Your mind’s perceptive ability draws on the unconscious information, processes it without your logical interference, and simply blurts it out. You jump from step one straight to step ten—the conclusion—without logically processing everything in between. That’s how wondrous intuition is. It’s discovery, not invention. It’s working with nothing new, but with what’s already existing.

Ways in which intuition may work out for you

When you go beyond the reasoning abilities of your intellect, you tap into your intuition. As mentioned before, the cosmic compass of intuition surpasses logic and physical perception. Most psychics and mystics in the modern times call it extrasensory perception—perception that transcends the five senses.

Your perception reaches a dimension that is beyond the limitations of the physical realm. That is what living intuitively means in the context of spirituality. A reality beyond the physical reality becomes a reality for you, taking you into the deeper nuances of existence.

When you tap into your intuition, you will come to realize the subtle ways in which the cosmic compass is working. You will find the omnipresence of intuitive powers working within you, for you. The journey is different for different people. Let’s look at some of the ways in which this works:

1.      Clairvoyance or seeing the unseen

The term “clairvoyance” is known to anyone who has been a part of the psychic world. Crystal balls and fortune-telling is a known phenomenon. But what does it actually mean? Well, clairvoyance refers to clearly seeing what is generally unseen.

A clairvoyant person receives clear visions of events as insights that come out of the blue. This is a kind of intuition that is widely talked about, but not actively realized. It’s a product of a highly developed imagination. The mind’s eye plays a psychic movie—a hallucination of sorts—that gives you a glimpse of what is hidden or unseen.

2.      Clairaudience or hearing what is unheard

Some people who have successfully tapped into their intuition hear voices. Higher the intuition, louder becomes the voice. Unaware people often term it as auditory hallucinations; it’s like a mind game caused by some psychological disorders. However, in the context of spirituality, it’s clairaudience or hearing messages in the mind’s psychic realm.

Clairaudients intuitively listen to the divine messages that come from their higher consciousness. The voice guides them towards a direction that their soul chooses to go. The pair of ears not just hear, but listen carefully. They understand that the divine communicates through the real world, giving them a message that they need to hear in order to push them towards a goal. This is a magnificent gift of intuitive energy that can make an enormous difference in one’s life.

3.      Clairsentience or feeling what is unfelt

Intuitive beings are great feelers. They are empaths who can tune into emotions around them. This is what clairsentience is all about—feeling something that most people don’t feel. It’s a unique ability of your soul or higher consciousness to tap into physical feelings and sensations. That’s what psychic mediums do.

Clairsentient beings receive a huge amount of information as soon as they walk into a room. It’s like an energy penetrates them without their interference and informs them about the vibe prevailing there—whether it’s happy, sad, light or heavy. When you are on your journey to understand your intuition, it’s important to become aware of this innate ability. An inability to draw firm boundaries can cause you to lose yourself emotionally to other people because you can’t differentiate between your own emotions and theirs.

4.      Claircognizance or knowing what is unknown

Another notable way in which intuition works is claircognizance, which gives you a clear knowledge of what is generally unknown. How many times have you felt that you know something without knowing how you know it? If you are intuitive enough, you will say that it happens many times. That’s what claircognizance is all about—knowing something clearly without involving logical information. No proof required here.

When claircognizance is in action, you are directed towards an unknown path with a robust sense of trust. It’s that feeling of knowing whether something is right or wrong. Consider it as the language of your soul that is leading you towards the unknown. It simply may not make any sense, but it is, in fact, one of the most sensible aspects of intuition. All you have to do is trust it.

The journey of an intuitive being

It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but tapping into your intuition requires a high degree of awareness and consciousness. If you are on a spiritual path, you must have already known the vital role that consciousness plays in your daily life. The mind has to be completely silent, free of old mental imprints that hold you back. When the mind is quiet, you become attuned to your inner voice, which will intuitively take you along your journey. It’s a continuous process, not something you can master overnight.

To move through life intuitively, you have to be completely centred in your Real Self. You have to assume a witness consciousness and live each moment with awareness and intention. Intuition is a non-analytical way of knowing that comes directly from the core of one’s being.

One way you can achieve this feat is through meditation, which makes you more aware of your inner self, leading you to a heightened sense of intuition. By being in the moment and responding spontaneously to life situations, you can allow their intuitive nature to guide you without the interference of overthinking.

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