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The key to enlightenment is attention.

If you want to abandon illusion, know reality and attend to it instead.

If you’re interested in enlightenment, start with a good definition.

To discern and abide in the ever-present Reality is the true attainment. All other attainments are like powers enjoyed in a dream.

According to Sri Ramana Maharshi, Reality in Forty Verses, Verse 35.

Enlightenment is about knowing who we are.

Enlightenment doesn’t confer special powers or make us “perfect” people according to someone’s definition.

But enlightenment is the only true accomplishment. All other accomplishments are like getting something in a dream.

You go to sleep and dream you want a mansion. So you strive and you try. Eventually, you get your mansion.

  1. But who are you?

In your pursuit of the mansion, you didn’t ask. You hit the ground running. Now you will enter another dream, none the wiser.

A person without discernment is tossed from longing to longing.

A person who knows the difference between illusion and reality is at peace.

Here is the key, or general idea:

If you have a spiritual practice you feel comfortable with, keep doing it.
If you’re starting out, Self-enquiry, or Self-attention, is effective.
What is Self-attention?

Self-attention returns the outward-going attention to your true nature, which is pure Consciousness or I Am.

The Self can’t be known or perceived as an object.

  1. How do we know the Self, which can’t be seen or known?

Since we can’t see it or know it, we can only be it. We accomplish this when we stop giving our attention to other things.

  1. The Self is always here, but we overlook it when we engage in thinking activity.

The Self is not the “I” who thinks and worries.

Trying to stop thinking while identifying as “I” is like standing in a rainstorm and trying to avoid getting wet.

When you disidentify with the “I” that thinks and worries, you are free.

To do so, turn your attention to the Consciousness in which “I” seems to appear. This is the Self.

  1. We don’t progress along the path to enlightenment and become an “enlightened person.” An “enlightened person” is an object of thought. “Progress” is also an object of thought.
  2. Self-attention is a circular path, or a path that doesn’t go beyond Step 1.
  3. Turn your attention to Consciousness and be that. All that would arise in Consciousness is an object. Be as you are.
  4. All thinking and questioning is a movement away from the Self. Ask yourself, “Who thinks and questions?”

This objectified self isn’t who you are.

  1. Be as you are. You are not a mind having a peaceful experience. You are Peace and Silence itself.

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