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Best tantra astrologer in Pune Satyamshakti with her knowledge of Tantra astrology,

helps you to channel the divine energy of the cosmos into the human microcosm through ritual, meditation, and the use of specific mantras. Tantra practices are a way to harnessing spiritual energy for both material and spiritual goals. In the context of astrology, Tantra focus more on the remedial measures and rituals to align one’s energy with the celestial forces. Tantra astrology emphasize more on the ritualistic and meditative practices to influence the energies of the planets and stars.

Using my knowledge of Tantra astrology, I recommend remedies and practices to align your energy with the celestial forces. My remedies include the use of yantras, which are sacred geometric symbols that serve as tools for contemplation, meditation, and the invocation of deities. Yantras hold the essence of the cosmic energies they represent and are used to harmonize the vibrations within an individual’s environment and being. I also give you, mantras, which are sacred utterances or sounds, recited to create a resonance with the desired planetary energy. The repetition of mantras purifies the aura and attract positive influences from the planets.

Practising meditation and yoga techniques are an important part Tantra astrology remedies, as they help clear the Nadis, which are channels for the flow of life force, or prana, ensuring a proper flow of energy through the chakras. This, in turn, supports the individual’s path to liberation and well-being. I regularly hold online guided meditation programs to help you master meditation.

In tantra astrology Homas or yajnas, are conducted to invoke the divine and seek their blessings or to mitigate the negative influences of certain planetary positions. Yajnas are performed with specific intentions, like to win court cases, win over enemies, remove negative energies, marriage, career and financial stability, health and wealth etc.

As in Tantra astrology I prescribes acts of kindness and service, as these generate positive karma and counteract the negative influences of planets. By aligning your actions with the cosmic order and expressing the divine qualities of love and empathy, you can transform you life experiences and the influence of the stars. These remedies are deeply spiritual and symbolic, and their efficacy is often tied to the individual’s belief and intention.

The presiding deity of Tantra astrology is Maa Kali, who is associated with time and transformation,

Tantra astrology is a hidden branch of astrology, It offers a more physical and systematic method of understanding the influences of the planets, Tantra astrology helps to correct karmas and remediate afflictions in your astrological chart with the practice of mantras, yoga, rituals, and meditation. Tantra astrology is deeply connected to the worship and reverence of divine feminine energy, particularly that of Maa Kali.

For those interested in remedies of Tantra astrology, I am a knowledgeable practitioner who are well-versed in the traditions and practices of tantra astrology. I not only offer predictions or insights, but enable a deeper connection to the spiritual aspects of existence, encouraging you to engage with the universe in a more profound and meaningful way. Tantra astrology is not just about understanding one’s destiny; it’s about actively participating in the cosmic dance of creation and discovering one’s highest potential through the wisdom of the stars and the guidance of the divine.

For information on Tantra astrology, and how it can help you lead a better, meaningful & successful life. Connect with me, best tantra astrologer in Pune Satyamshakti.

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