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meditation techniques you can practice

Meditation Techniques you can Practice

According to Advaita Vedanta or non-duality, spiritual sadhana consists of 3 steps, namely: Shravanam - meaning, listen to the words of wisdom from the experts who have been there. Mananam - meaning, contemplate on what has been heard and make it part of the memory bank or psyche. This is wisdom. Nidhidhyasanam - meaning, put…

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How does one receive spiritual enlightenment

The key to enlightenment is attention. If you want to abandon illusion, know reality and attend to it instead. If you’re interested in enlightenment, start with a good definition. To discern and abide in the ever-present Reality is the true attainment. All other attainments are like powers enjoyed in a dream. According to Sri Ramana…

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The rules of mourning

Do Hindu scriptures, traditions, or Bhagavad Gita restrict people from going to a temple or performing puja at home for one year when someone is deceased in our immediate family?

The rules of mourning only applies to the immediate family and the house in which the person died. The period of mourning ranges from 3 to 40 days depending on caste, community, lineage or inclination of the mourners. During this period there are no rituals performed at home other than those concerning the deceased person.…

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