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What happens when the kundalini is awakened

Kundalini is the Primordial Energy (or shakti) said to be located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of awakening that Kundalini Energy for the purpose of Enlightenment or Self-Realization. Kundalini is your life force energy. It’s believed that in these who are unawakened their energy remains coiled at the base of their spine. For those who have an awakening event & become conscious, the energy spiral upward, activating each chakra & making the being transition into a spiritual being. A kundalini awakening is talked about a lot in spiritual circles because prior to experiencing bliss, the energy first cleanses & purifies the shifts that you experience can be unnerving & downright painful at worst. After great effort & spiritual practice the Kundalini is awakened. According to the yogis there are three nerves in the spinal columns: Ida, Pingala & Sushuma. Along the Sushuma column there are total six lotuses or centers, the lowest center is called as Muladhara. After words then come successively Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Visuddha & Ajna. These are the six centers. The kundalini lies in the lotus of the Muladhara chakra. That lotus has total four petals. The Primordial Energy resides in all bodies as the kundalini. She is like a sleeping snake coiled-up the form of sleeping snake, having the Muladhara for her abode. The kundalini is speedily awakened if one follows the path of Bhakti Yoga(the path of unconditional, desire less love &faith towards God).

So, coming to your question, What will really happen after Kundalini is Awakened ?

The mind of worldly man generally moves among the three lower centers; that three lower centers exists manly at the navel, at the sexual organ & at the organ of evacuation. In that state the mind loses all its higher visions- it only sees the vision of sense pleasure, lust & wealth. Yoga whichever it may be whether it may be Bhakti Yoga, Karma yoga, Dnyan Yoga, Hath Yoga, or any type of spiritual practices. Real yoga and its effect is not possible if the mind dwells on lust, wealth & never ending material desires. A kundalini awakening can be one of the most traumatic & confusing times of your life. What you cannot tell at the onset is that you’re actually undergoing a deep purification process, in which you will come out on the other end stronger & more level headed than ever before.

The kundalini when awakened, passes through the lower centers & come to the anahata, which is at the heart.. It stays there. At that time the mind of the seeker is withdrawn from the three lower centers. When the mind dwells there, one has the first glimpse of spiritual consciousness. One sees light all around. Such a man perceiving the divine light becomes speechless with wonder & says “‘oh !! What is this ??”, his mind doesn’t go downwards to the material objects of the world.

According to the Vedas, these centers(chakras) are called as Bhumi Planes. There are seven such planes. The center at the heart corresponds to the fourth plane of Vedas. Ahead the centers known as Visuddha is the fifth plane. This center is at the throat and has a lotus with sixteen petals when the kundalini reaches that plane, one does not enjoy talking or hearing about anything but only God(the Ultimate Reality). If one talks about worldly things, he will ;eave that place as soon as possible.

Then comes the sixth plane, corresponding to the center known as Ajna. This chakra or center is located between the eyebrows & it has a lotus with two petals. When the kundalini energy reaches it, the seeker sees the form of Satchidananda (Existence- Knowledge-Bliss Absolute). But even the little trace of ego remains. At that sight of that incomparable beauty of Satchitananda’s form, one becomes intoxicated & rushes forth to touch & embrace it. But one doesn’t succeed. It is like a light inside a lantern. You may think you have touched the light inside, but in reality you cannot because of the barrier of glass.

And last of all is the seventh plane, which, accordingly to Tantra, is the center of the thousand petaled lotus called Sahasrara. When the kundalini arrives there the individual soul & the Supreme Soul become one. The seeker goes into the Samadhi His consciousness of these human body & limitations disappears. He loses the knowledge of the outer world. He does not see the manifold(duality) any more. His reasoning comes to stop.

Duality (or pair of opposites) is the illusion nature of existence such as ‘inside or outside’, ‘light & darkness’, ‘this or that’, ‘right or wrong’, ‘positive or negative’, ‘you & me’ and so on. In Samadhi, one attains Non-duality (Advaita) and merges with the Oneness of the Ultimate Reality.

In that lotus dwells Satchitananda Lord Shiva, the absolute. There Kundalini, the awakened power unites with Lord Shiva. This is known as the union of Shiva and Shakti. In samadhi one attains the knowlede of Brahma(The Ultimate Reality)- one realizes Brahma (don’t confuse it with lord brahma, here i am talking about formless, nameless form of God known as Brahma tattva, the absolute and complete). In that state reasoning stops altogether and man becomes mute. He has no power to describe the nature of Brahma. After the vision of Brahma, a man becomes silent.

When the kundalini arises to the Sahasrara and the mind goes into the Samadhi, the seeker loses all consciousness of the outer world. He can no longer retain his physical body. Dwelling on these higher levels of dimensions of consciousness, he gives up his body in Twenty-one days . That is the condition of a Brahma-Gyani(fully Enlightened Soul).

A man’s spiritual consciousness is not awakened unless and until his kundlini is aroused. One should also pray to God with utmost faith. And Bhakti Yoga(the path of unconditional, desire less love &faith towards God) is one of the simplest and most beautiful way to awaken your kundalini energy. These is the power of Bhakti and Divine love.

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