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What are the indications of a bad Mars in a horoscope?

Mars in different nakshatras:

See what nakshatra Mars is in. Determine who is the ruler of this nakshatra. For example, Venus is the ruler of nakshatra Bharani, Purva phalguni, and Purvashadha. If mars is in one of these nakshatras, we say that mars is in the nakshatra of venus. This means that Venus will greatly influence the behavior of Mars. Venus is very favorable for those born under the lagna of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Therefore, if a person was born under the lagna of Capricorn or Aquarius and Mars is in the nakshatra of Venus, this means that Mars will give favorable results during the period of Mahadasi and Antardasha of Mars. Because mars is on the yogakaraka nakshatra of the planet (for each lagna there is an auspicious planet) for these lagnas. Of course, for this, Venus must also be without damage. When Mars is in the yogakaraka nakshatra of the planet,

Mars in the nakshatra of mars: poor health, financial difficulties, death of a relative, problems from the state. (These results are further enhanced if Mars is malefic for that person’s lagna.

Mars is bad for Gemini and Virgo) Mars in Mercury Nakshatra: Business success, problems with brothers, lawsuits, death of a relative.

Mars in the nakshatra of Jupiter: fame and recognition after some difficulties, the birth of children, well-being, a good time for a husband (only in a female chart), and a brother.

Mars in the nakshatra of Venus: failures, obstacles, and women will bring problems and losses.

Mars in Saturn nakshatra: fears, injuries, accidents, leg injuries, travel/change of residence. A female chart shows a lazy husband.

Mars in nakshatra rahu: loss of wealth, ill health, injuries, obstacles, quarrels, loss of self-control. Mars in ketu nakshatras: good position, victory over enemies, bad for health. Mars in the nakshatra of the sun: a brave person, ready to go through any obstacles, victory, reputation, good luck for brothers. Mars in the nakshatra of the moon: lack of joy, lawsuits, losses, problems due to women, quarrels with relatives and friends.

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