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Here’s an interesting aspect of Dharma which makes Hindus the best possible migrants (apart from their technical skills of course!)

Dharma is not only changeable as already conveyed by previous responders, Dharma subject to democratic consensus

According to the Mahabharata, actions opposed by the people (loka-viruddha) are as sinful as those condemned by the Veda (veda-viruddha).

Other law-givers have this to say:–

karmaṇā manasā vācā yatnād dharmaṃ samācaret | asvargyaṃ loka-vidviṣṭaṃ dharmyam apy ācaren na tu ||

One should strive hard through body mind and speech to practice Dharma, but, a (so-called) dharma which will not result in happiness and is disapproved of by the people (loka-vidvista) must not be practiced”. (Yajñavalkya 1:156)

parityajed artha kāmau yau syātāṁ dharma-varjitau | dharmaṁ ca-apy asukha udarkaṁ loka-saṅkruṣṭam eva ca ||

One should renounce artha (prosperity) and kama (pleasure) if they conflict with dharma (morality) and even dharma must be renounced if it results in future unhappiness or arouses people’s indignation. (Manu 4:176)

So in other words, if something is considered a Dharma even by the Vedas, if it offends the people among whom you settle then you are obliged to relinquish it.

So for example, the caste system is considered a Dharma (varṇāśrama-dharma) but since it is deeply offensive in all liberal democracies – it can be totally abandoned by Hindu migrants – in fact they are advised to do so by the scriptures themselves!

Another example would be child marriage – approved of by some Shastras but condemned by all sensible people — out it goes! With the blessings of the Law-givers.

No other religion has this most salubrious, sensible and beneficial injunction inbuilt into it’s very core!

Rami Sivan

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