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According to common belief, each person has a favoured deity commonly called Ishta Dev. A person can achieve success in his life by worshipping that ishta deva. Many people determine their presiding deity based on their horoscope.

The presiding deity of any person is determined based on the ritual performed before his / her birth. In this case as the literal translation of Ishta is “Desired”, you’re favoured / desired deity is the one to whom you are attracted without any reason.

However, you can worship your favorite deity to get rid of planetary problems.

Let us know which deities you should worship for problems related to planets.

The notion of Ishta-Devta – As we have several Gods/Goddesses and their manifestations to adoration, Ishta-Devata is moreover one of them. It is generally misinterpreted as Kul-Devata but it is unique. Kul-Devata is one and barely one for the whole family and for all ages in that family. Ishta-Devata is one particular God for a person. Ishta says Cherished or Favored and Devata tells God. So, as per word, it indicates that Ishta-Devta is the most honoured or crucial God for a private worshipping who can be additionally beneficial.

Atma Karaka – First of all, we require to discover Atma Karaka in the natal chart. Atma Karaka is the planet that has the elevated degrees in the natal chart, except Rahu & Ketu.

Arrangement of Atma-Karaka in navmansha – Then we require to survey where that Atma Karaka planet is positioned in the navmansha chart.

12th house from Atma-Karaka’s arrangement in navmansha – After discovering the house/Rashi situation of Atma Karaka in navmansha, we wish to watch the 12th house from the house Atma Karaka is positioned in navmansha.

If there are additional planets than 1 in the 12th house from Atma karaka in navmansha, we select the planet which is powerful in Dignity, God associated with that planet comes to be the Ishta Devata.

If there is no planet in the 12th house from Atma karaka in navmansha, we can take the owner of the 12th house from Atma karaka in navmansha as Ishta Devata.

Ishta-Devata for planets-

Sun– LordRama

Moon– LordShiva

Mars– Hanumanji

Mercury– VishnuJi

Jupiter– VishnuJi

Venus– Devi Lakshmi

Saturn– Hanumanji

Rahu— DurgaMaa

Ketu– GaneshaJi

One should constantly worship God to be grateful, not to beg for anything. Whatever is crucial for life, will constantly be provided and if something is not crucial for life, then why we should spend our time guessing about it.
3 things you can do for the blessings of your Ishta Dev

  1. You should perform a home Yagya for the gods and after that, if possible, you should get the Bhandara done. If you cannot get the Bhandara done, then get the Brahmins to eat food, by doing so, they become happy quickly.
  2. You should donate in the name of the deity that you want to receive blessings, and you should donate food and clothing as much as possible to the poor on special dates like a birthday.
  3. You should do penance by paying attention to the deity whom you want to please, they are pleased by doing so. The Gods and Goddesses you believe in and receive their grace.

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